Friday, October 29, 2010

Casino Cake Topper

I mentioned in some previous posts that someone had hired me to make a casino themed cake topper for a 65th birthday party.

Well it is finally finished.  I am not 100% satisfied with how it turned out, but it's not too bad.  It just isn't quite what I pictured in my head.

Everything on there is hand made from polymer clay except for the ribbon (obviously) and the dice.  I tried to make some dice but they looked lopsided so I gave in and just bought some from the dollar store.

So that is one project complete, now I just need to get my butt in grear and finish the rest of my half finished projects.

That's all for now.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I am a great starter, now I have to work on finishing.

As the title of this post suggests, I am great at starting projects, but sometimes it is difficult to find time to finish them.  I keep starting new projects despite the fact that I already have several that I need to finish.
Here are some examples of my unfinished projects.
This is the mat I am knitting using old plastic shopping bags.


If I ever get my act together and learn how to crochet, I would like to crochet some reusable shopping bags out of old plastic bags.

I am also working on a latch hook rug for my mother in-law.  She bought this for herself but then decided that it would hurt her hands to much so she gave it to me.  I would like to get it done for her for Christmas, but at the rate I am going I don't see that happening.

Lastly I am slowly but surely working on the casino theme cake topper.  It is so close to being finished and I am pretty excited.

I can't wait to actually put it all together.

On a completely unrelated not.  I am thinking about doing a give away on this blog, but I need to decide what to give away and I think I should probably wait until I have at least 10 followers.  So in other words don't expect a give away anytime soon.