Friday, September 24, 2010

Just some stuff I made.

I just wanted to show off some of the minor projects I have made with polymer clay.

First off is my favorite project, it is a lady bug family magnet set.
Next is another magnet.  It is a turtle that I made from some scraps from another project, hence why it is a black, white, and grey turtle.

Last is a tiny little chair, also made from scraps.  I placed the nickel beside it to give you an idea how small it is.  I need to sand it a bit so it looks less rough, and honestly I don't know what I am going to do with it.

That's it for today.  If I get my act together I will actually post some pictures of the mat I am making out of plastic shopping bags.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Frustration!!!- a vent.

I tend to build things up in my head.  What ever I am planning it will always be the best ever... at least in my head.  I have lofty goals but reality rarely lives up to what I had pictured
This time my "best plan ever" was my plan to make money by selling jewelry and custom made cake toppers on the internet.
I was convinced that once I started my store I would be making money like crazy.  That really hasn't happened yet and I am a little sad.
I know that I have only been pursuing this little venture for about a month so I really shouldn't feel frustrated yet, but I do.
Part of me wants to stop making jewelry until I actually sell something.  The other part of me wants to keep spending money on beads and other materials until the day that I actually get a sale.

I also have a ton of polymer clay that I bought on sale because I wanted to be prepared for all the cake topper orders I was going to be getting.  I have had 1 order so far.  I know that that really isn't that bad but I thought it would be more.

Okay I am done whining.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What I did this morning at 6am

As the title suggests I was up early this morning, I just couldn't sleep so I decided to make some jewelry.
First I made a simple bracelet with some pearls and turquoise that I had left over from the cake topper shown in my very first blog post.  I am sure there is some way to link that post, but I am to lazy to care.
It's kind of big and chunky. 
Readers I want your honest opinion, what do you think of this bracelet.  Sometimes I think it is nice, other times I think it is tacky.

Next is some pictures of a purple necklace and braclet I made.

The picture really doesn't show the colours very well at all, but you get the idea.  If it is sunny tomorrow I will take some pictures using natural light,  those seem to turn out better.

And finally here are some slightly better pictures of the necklace I made back in August. 

And here is me wearing said black necklace.  I tried to edit out my double chin, but I kind of failed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I suck at blogging

It's been a while since I updated, I suck I know. 
I have been working on several different things but I don't have pictures of any of them right now :(
I am knitting a mat made out of plastic shopping bags.  I hope to post some pictures and a how-to guide soon.
I am still working on the Casino cake topper.  I have finished the poker chips.  I am debating wether I want to make some dice from the polymer clay or just go buy some.  I may stop at the dollar store tomorrow after work to see what they have for dice.  I want clear red dice.

That's really all I have to say for now.  I hope to post some pics of my current projects in the next couple days.  I may not have time though,  Friday is D and I's anniversary.